We are aware that scammers are impersonating international employment consultants offering visas for fake positions at Silver Fern Farms. We do not use international employment consultants. If you are interested in working for Silver Fern Farms, you should only apply for roles via our careers website or our verified accounts on Seek.co.nz, Trademe.co.nz or LinkedIn.

Two sheep with rolling landscape in the background


Asian, Noodles, Delicious, Beef, Salad, Toss, Sprinkle

To Your Plate

From our farms to your plate, this is quality you can trust.

Find out what you can do with your product by simply scanning the QR code located on the back of the pack for delicious recipes and tips.

A chain of care you can trust, and quality you can depend on, so that you can create eating experiences that are second to none.

Delicious starts here.