
Thank you for your interest in applying for sponsorship from Silver Fern Farms. As you will appreciate, we receive a large number of requests from around the country. Annually Silver Fern Farms are committed to several national and regional farming community initiatives. These are selected to support both our farming co-operative and sponsorship strategy.

We care a lot about...

Our Processing Site Communities -  any initiatives which make a positive contribution to the local communities that our processing sites are part of.

Our Rural Farming Communities - any initiatives which support the rural communities of our farmer suppliers.

Our Commitment to Sustainability - any initiatives which share our sustainability values, goals, and plans.

Future Talent in the Industry - any initiatives which support the development of existing talent within the industry or attract the next generation of leaders into the sector.

We do not offer product in exchange for free marketing, individual person or sponsorship in the form of cash. Please understand that our sponsorship funds are limited due to our ongoing partnerships and current commitments.

Due to the high number of applications we receive, and to allow us to support the appropriate opportunities where possible, please be sure to allow as much lead time as possible, preferably requests should be made 6 months prior but a minimum of 6 weeks before the event is required for an application to be processed.

You can either complete online by clicking into each of the fields below or print, write, scan and email back to events@silverfernfarms.co.nz .

Contact Information

Sponsorship Type

Please Tick Applicable (we do not do cash sponsorships)

Please Tick All Applicable

Sponsorship Opportunity

What is the sponsorship for? (please tick relevant)

* Fields marked with an asterisk are mandatory fields. The user should be able to submit the form after all the mandatory fields are completed.