We are aware that scammers are impersonating international employment consultants offering visas for fake positions at Silver Fern Farms. We do not use international employment consultants. If you are interested in working for Silver Fern Farms, you should only apply for roles via our careers website or our verified accounts on Seek.co.nz, Trademe.co.nz or LinkedIn.


Our Sustainability Scorecard

Sustainability Scorecard 2024

The scorecard reports progress against our Sustainability Action Plan - Good by Nature. Last year, 94% of active deliverables under our Sustainability Action Plan were either achieved or made good progress, this represents a significant effort across the business.


Target -16%

Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1+2) in line with a 42% reduction by 2030 from 2020 baseline year.

Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions continue to trend down overall. Heat pump optimisation is now delivering strong energy savings at Pareora and Finegand in particular. However, the late delivery of these projects means the emissions reduction target has not been achieved in 2023.​ The target for 2024 is a 26% reduction against 2020 baseline.

Waste (General)

Target -5% 

Reduction in tonnes of non-organic waste to landfill at all against Baseline.

Inorganic waste significantly increased in Q4 2023 due to the rejection of wastewater treatment solids from composting at one plant; this has now been resolved. Consequently, the target for inorganic waste to landfill was not met. Our target for 2024 is a 10% reduction from 2022 baseline across all sites.

Waste (Organic)

Target -80% 

Reduction in tonnes of organic waste to landfill from Baseline Organic Waste. 

The organic waste target was not met, with large volumes of skins still unable to be sold and South Island skin production exceeding composting capacity in Q3 2023. Work is underway to ensure that removing skins from landfill is prioritised across the network. Our 2023 target is ambitious being an 90% reduction against a 2021 baseline. 


Target -8%

Reduction in water use intensity from Baseline.

The 2023 water intensity target was not met. Heat pump project delays were the reason for this, but following their installation and optimization water use is now tracking to target. Our target for 2024 is a 12% reduction from 2021 baseline.


Target 400

Adoption of the NZFAP Plus Assurance Programme by Silver Fern Farms suppliers, with an additional target of 200 certified. 299 farms are now certified.

Targets for 2023 were achieved. An outstanding effort by the On-farm Sustainability team. Target for 2024 is 600 SFF farmers signed up to NZFAP+ and 400 SFF Farmers certified to NZFAP+ standards.

In 2023, 94% of active deliverables under our Sustainability Action Plan were either achieved or made good progress

Key Achievements 2023

Progress by Material Issue

SFF-0006_Sustainability Website Assets

Sustainability Action Plan Priorities 2024