Supplier Update 9 December 2022

By Silver Fern Farms

Supplier Update 9 December 2022

It’s apparent as I’m getting around the country that farmers are increasingly conscious of the need to reduce on-farm emissions, but right now farmers don’t have the tools available to reduce their gross emissions on-farm outside of reducing livestock numbers.

Moreover, extensive farming systems that have relatively low contact with animals are likely to have a much slower availability of technology to address emissions, compared to other systems. These are the core reasons why Silver Fern Farms has decided to get some skin in the game.

Last week at Field Days I took part in the launch of a Joint Venture which has been established to develop tools for farmers to reduce and manage their emissions on farm. The partnership includes government alongside ANZCO Foods, Fonterra, Ngāi Tahu Holdings, Ravensdown, and Synlait.

As a market-led company, we know the signals we are getting from our markets are really clear: we need to continue to meet our consumers’ increasing expectations and do our part to address climate change, to remain relevant to high-value consumers.

Silver Fern Farms has played a proactive leadership role to help establish this Joint Venture which combines Industry and Government efforts to tackle a global challenge using a combination of science and commercial expertise. The JV will be a gamechanger and I think this event represents a significant moment in our industry’s history.

This week’s report includes another processing update, and amid the disruption which we know is difficult for everyone, I want to acknowledge our livestock team. They work incredibly hard to balance the needs of their suppliers, which can be challenging when space is tight, and they’re doing a phenomenal job.   

Also in this week’s report – read about a promotional initiative by our charity partner Meat the Need as they raise awareness of food insecurity heading into the Christmas season, and we’ve got the latest from the markets.  


Ngā mihi,
