Farmer Conference 2022 - Earlybird Registration

By Silver Fern Farms

Farmer Conference 2022


Earlybird now open! Click here to register

All Earlybird registrations go in the draw to win a range of great prizes including 10 Silver Fern Farms meat packs, and great NZ wool products from our friends at Honest Wolf. 


In 2021 we set the stage for a new future for Silver Fern Farms, and in 2022 we’re focusing on how we’re making that future happen – how we’re leading the way and moving forward together.

Join our great lineup of speakers to hear about the latest developments in our market-led sustainability work, how we’re investing in our business for a better tomorrow, and a company strategy and performance update. 

We also kick off by hosting the Silver Fern Farms Boning Competition, featuring our top boners from around the country, and on Day 2 we celebrate the Plate to Pasture Awards for 2022, plus a VIP guest on the couch.

Don’t miss this opportunity to get off farm, chew the fat with likeminded farmers and get inspired for the season ahead.


Our Special Guest Speakers:

  • Nadia Lim: Dietitian, Entrepreneur and Farmer
  • Hon. Tim Groser: Former Trade Minister and WTO Ambassador
  • Diana Rodgers: Author of Sacred Cow
  • Rod Oram: Business and Sustainability Commentator

Plus a range of industry experts and Silver Fern Farms' own in-house leaders and innovators. 

The conference is free to attend for all suppliers and shareholders. Every Earlybird registration goes in the draw to win one of these great prizes:

  • 10 Silver Fern Farms Meat Packs
  • 5 Honest Wolf Everyday Bags
  • 5 Honest Wolf Laptop Sleeves

Earlybird registrations close Friday 6th May.


Register now to secure your place!

Te Pae Convention Centre, Christchurch

4-6 July 2022