We are aware that scammers are impersonating international employment consultants offering visas for fake positions at Silver Fern Farms. We do not use international employment consultants. If you are interested in working for Silver Fern Farms, you should only apply for roles via our careers website or our verified accounts on Seek.co.nz, Trademe.co.nz or LinkedIn.


Jarrod Stewart

Governance profile

Chief Supply Officer

Jarrod joined Silver Fern Farms in 2020, and as Chief Supply Officer, he is responsible for leading Silver Fern Farms' livestock team and managing relationships with Silver Fern Farms' farmer suppliers. Prior to joining Silver Fern Farms, Jarrod spent 15 years in the banking industry, holdings various roles at the Bank of New Zealand. 

He hails from Dunedin and has a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Otago.