Our grass-fed, pasture raised bovine products for superior taste and high nutritional value pet food ingredients. We have a range of ingredients that can be tailored to your specific requirements.
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The liver, minus the gall bladder, is removed from the abdominal viscera, with lymph glands, veins and any traces of aorta removed. Livers downgraded by ASURE, dark or especially light-coloured livers, part livers and livers with major cuts can be included.
The kidney is separated from the kidney fat, vessel ends are removed, and the kidney is fully skinned of all outer membrane. Kidneys downgraded by ASURE, or downgraded due to major cuts, can be included.
The fourth division of the stomach in ruminant animals, in which digestion takes place. It is trimmed free of excessive fat, split lengthways and washed.