Our grass-fed, pasture raised ovine products for superior taste and high nutritional value pet food ingredients. We have a range of ingredients that can be tailored to your specific requirements. 

  • Ovine Tripe Block
    The honeycomb and rumen stomachs cold washed free of ingesta must be included. Maximum practical volume of abomasum (vell) also to be included.
  • Ovine Tripe
    The honeycomb and rumen stomachs cold washed free of ingesta must be included. Maximum practical volume of abomasum (vell) also to be included,
  • Ovine Liver Block
    The liver, minus the gall bladder, is removed from the abdominal viscera. Livers downgraded by ASURE, dark or especially light-coloured livers, part livers and livers with major cuts can be included.